2021/10/09 Published by:
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We go right to the ring and out first comes Toxic Attraction – Mandy Rose with Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne. Out next comes Ember Moon as Alicia Taylor does the introductions.
The bell rings and they go at it. Rose applies a headlock and they trade holds. Moon drops Rose in the middle of the ring first. Rose comes back and rocks Moon in the face with a right hand, then talks some trash. A furious Moon fights back and unloads as fans do dueling chants. Moon turns Rose upside down in the corner and works her over. Dolin and Jayne pull Rose to safety as fans boo. Moon runs the ropes for a suicide dive, landing hard on Jayne at ringside for a big pop as Jayne took the dive for Rose.
Moon grabs Rose and powerbombs her on the edge of the apron. Moon goes over and shoves Dolin down on the ramp as Dolin tends to Jayne. Moon comes back in but Rose takes advantage and levels her. Rose with a big overhead suplex for a 2 count. Rose works Moon over in the corner now. Rose takes Moon down with a body scissors now.
Fans do dueling chants as Rose applies an abdominal stretch now. Moon finally gets free and slams Rose to the mat. Moon with a discus forearm, then an enziguri to put Rose right back down. Moon goes to the top and delivers a double knees.
Moon mounts more offense and goes back to the top for The Eclipse but she has to roll through. Rose comes right back with a big boot to knock Moon’s head off. Rose covers for the pin to win.
Winner: Mandy Rose
Back from the break and we get a vignette with The Diamond Mine. Malcolm Bivens hypes up each member and gives some background information on them – NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong, The Creed Brothers, Ivy Nile, and coach Hachiman. We go back to the ring and Samantha Irvin is interviewing Gonzalez. Irvin says the world has been buzzing about Toxic Attraction, and asks about last week’s beatdown on Gonzalez. Gonzalez says message received. She asks Mandy Rose if they know who they attacked. Gonzalez says Toxic Attraction has been in the headlines for a few weeks but she’s been dominating the division for a year. Gonzalez goes on about how she will take care of Rose and put her in a body cast if she touches her title again. Gonzalez goes to address Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne but the music interrupts and out comes Toxic Attraction.
Rose tells Gonzalez to stop. She used to admire the strength, tenacity and everything else about Gonzalez but now she’s just coming off desperate. Fans gave Rose the “What!?” treatment and she yelled at them, threatening them if it keeps up. Rose says Gonzalez is coming off as someone who knows their title reign is coming to an end. Rose says Toxic Attraction is taking over and there’s nothing Gonzalez can do about it. Dolin speaks next about how they’re all championship material, and Gonzalez can’t help but stare in awe. Gonzalez says she can’t help but stare at the 6 staples in Dolin’s head from when she bashed her with the title. Dolin wants to fight and she goes to ringside on the other side of the ring. Jayne speaks next and taunts Gonzalez. Jayne goes on about how they’re all over WWE, the new faces of NXT 2.0, and soon they will hold all the women’s gold in NXT. Jayne says they’re not just Toxic Attraction, they’re THE attraction. They surround the ring again. Rose says it’s time to have some fun. They go to attack Gonzalez but NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Io Shirai and Zoey Stark storm the ring to stand with Gonzalez. The two sides yell at each other but Toxic Attraction jumps down off the apron and backs away as fans boo.
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2021/10/01 Published by:
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We go back to the ring and out first comes Toxic Attraction – Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne with Mandy Rose. They head to the ring to boos as we go back to commercial.
Back form the break and NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Io Shirai and Zoey Stark are already out. We get formal ring introductions from Alicia Taylor. Dolin and Shirai go at it to start. They trade counters and Dolin takes Shirai down with a hurricanrana but Shirai botches the kip-up. Shirai comes right back with a dropkick. Jayne tags in and faces off with Shirai. They lock up for a test of strength but Jayne, sporting darker hair this week, rocks Shirai. Shirai fights back and unloads as Rose looks on from ringside.
Stark tags in and takes over on Jayne. Stark sweeps the leg and covers for 2. Jayne turns it into a 2 count but it’s reversed as they trade moves on the mat. Stark with another close 2 count. Jayne with another takedown for a 2 count. Stark and Jayne trade big strikes now. Stark goes to the apron and drops Jayne with a kick. Stark launches herself from the apron with a springboard onto Jayne for a close 2 count. Fans do dueling chants now. Dolin tags in but Stark doesn’t see it as Jayne takes her down. Dolin covers for 2. Stark with a jawbreaker on Dolin, then a clothesline.
Rose gets on the apron to distract Stark. All four get involved now. Stark and Shirai nail missile dropkicks to send the challengers out of the ring. Shirai tags in and runs the ropes but Dolin meets her at the ropes with a forearm to the face. Stark flies from the top and takes Jayne down on the floor. Dolin goes to the top and leaps out, taking Stark down at ringside. Shirai goes to the top and delivers her moonsault, taking down both challengers on the floor. Shirai stands tall as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Jayne unloads on Shirai for a 2 count. Jayne with a suplex for another pin attempt. Jayne shows some frustration now. Shirai crawls for a tag but Jayne stops her. Shirai kicks Jayne away. Stark tags in and levels Jayne, then drops Dolin on the apron. Stark unloads on Jayne with kicks, then drops her with a German suplex. Stark kips up for a big pop.
Stark drops Jayne with a kick but Dolin breaks the pin up. Stark clotheslines Dolin over the top rope to the floor. Stark turns around to a big right hand from Jayne. Stark side-steps and scoops Jayne for a rolling senton. Stark goes to the top for the corkscrew moonsault but she has to roll through as Jayne moves. Jayne with a neckbreaker and both are down now as fans and Rose rally. Shirai and Dolin tag in now. Shirai unloads and drops Dolin on her face.
Shirai nails 619 on Dolin. Shirai kicks Jayne as she approaches on the apron. Shirai springboards in with the missile dropkick to Dolin for a close 2 count. Rose can’t believe it. Shirai with a Crossface submission to Dolin now. Shirai pulls Jayne in from under the bottom rope and applies a double Crossface to her challengers. Dolin gets her foot on the bottom rope to break it after a minute or two. Stark springboards in but Dolin catches her in a Full Nelson. Jayne drops Shirai as she approaches. Dolin with a Northern Lights suplex to Stark for a close 2 count. Toxic Attraction argue with the referee as fans chant “this is awesome!” now.
Jayne tags in and waits for Stark to get up. Jayne superkicks Stark, screams out and kicks again but Stark watches it and flips her into a GTS. Shirai tags in and dropkicks Dolin off the apron to the floor. Stark launches herself from the ring to the floor, taking Dolin back down. Stark backs Rose up now and they have words. Shirai drops Jayne with a palm strike in the ring now. Shirai goes to the top and hits her moonsault for the pin to retain, right as Stark appears to put Rose down next to Dolin at ringside.
After the match, Gonzalez stands tall with the title as her music hits. Monet, Stone and Kamea regroup at ringside. The music interrupts and out comes Toxic Attraction – Mandy Rose, Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne. They face off with Monet, Stone and Kamea, then tell them to get out of here. Monet and her crew walk away but Toxic Attraction attacks from behind and beats them down, laughing at them. Toxic Attraction surrounds Gonzalez in the ring now. Gonzalez swings and knocks Dolin off the apron but Jayne and Rose attack her. She fights them off but they end up double teaming her. Dolin comes in from behind and takes the knee out. Gonzalez keeps fighting but the triple team is too much. Fans boo as Toxic Attraction dominates Gonzalez now. Gonzalez is held as Jayne levels her with a running shot. Rose picks up the NXT Women’s Title belt and raises it in the air as Toxic Attraction stands tall over Gonzalez. NXT goes off the air with fans booing Rose, Dolin and Jayne.
2021/09/22 Published by:
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Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams reminded Grayson Waller that Hayes could cash in on him if he defeated Roderick Strong next week. Toxic Attraction walked by the action, leaving Hayes and Trick struck silent.
Mandy Rose led the charge with Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne. The women made clear that they planned to take over all of NXT 2.0. God’s Greatest Creation credited the two women for helping her evolve into the woman that could take over the best division in the world.
Io Shirai accepted the challenge of Toxic Attraction
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2021/09/19 Published by:
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Before the match, Dolin and Jayne hyped up Mandy Rose’s new look, fueled by her injury at the hands of Sarray. Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter lost their smiles before the bell could ring, though.
God’s Greatest Creation interfered quickly to cause a disqualification. The heels beat down the faces until Sarray made the save. And GM William Regal restarted the match as a six-woman tag.
Rose looked dominant early as she threw around everyone in her path, particularly beating down Catanzaro. Escaping the grip of Jayne, Catanzaro escaped and got the hot tag to Carter, who ran over the heels. Sarray got involved and went after Rose.
God’s Greatest Creation sent The Warrior of the Sun out of the ring. Rose then hit a bicycle knee on Carter to take the victory.
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2021/09/01 Published by:
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Sarray tries to shake Rose’s hand, but Rose brushes her off. Rose backs Sarray into the corner. Rose slaps Sarray in the head as she breaks her lock up. Sarray charges at Rose but Rose retreats to the ropes. Rose catches Sarray with a back elbow. Rose drops Sarray to the mat after a go behind. Rose does push-ups on Sarray’s back. Sarray rolls Rose up and immediately hits a dropkick on the roll through. Rose tries to block a suplex by wrapping her legs around Sarray.
Sarray powers through and sticks the suplex. Sarray goes up top and misses a crossbody. Rose mounts Sarray and lays in a few right hands. Rose works over Sarray. Sarray fires up and lands a few strikes. Rose runs into a dropkick by Sarray. Sarray obliterates Rose with a basement dropkick. Rose falls out of the ring. Dolan and Jayne rush over to Rose, who is clutching at her face. Jayne grabs a towel and gives it to Rose so she can cover her face. Dolan and Jayne walk Rose up the ramp. Rose is counted out.
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2021/06/01 Published by:
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The women’s tag team division was back in the spotlight when Naomi and Lana faced Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose. Lana and Brooke started for their teams.
Natalya and Tamina watched from the commentary table as Naomi tagged in and scored a two-count. Rose got the tag and hit a flapjack with Brooke for a near-fall.
Lana tried a few different pinning combinations on Rose before she was cornered and hit with a neckbreaker. Brooke made the cover and got the pin.
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2021/05/04 Published by:
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Back from the beak and we see what happened with Sonya Deville and Flair last week. Out next comes Dana Brooke with Mandy Rose.
he bell hits and they go at it. Flair toys some with Brooke and says she’s her b—h. They go at it and Brooke uses the head scissors to send Flair flying. Brooke with a dropkick. Flair ducks a strike and hits the backbreaker, then sends Brooke into the ropes. Flair stomps away now as Rose looks on. Flair covers for 2.
Flair taunts Rose while keeping control of Brooke. Flair with a running boot to the face on the apron for another 2 count. Flair sends Brooke to the floor and taunts her some more. Brooke fights back in and nails an enziguri kick. Flair levels her with a clothesline. Flair walks into a boot in the corner, then an uppercut. Flair catches Brooke and they tangle some more. Flair stomps away on her in the corner.
Flair has some words with the referee, then misses the big boot in the corner. Brooke unloads with strikes from behind in the corner. Brooke with the handspring elbow into the corner, and another in the opposite corner. Brooke goes to the top as a dazed Flair falls down.
Brooke hits the Swanton but Flair kicks out at 2. Brooke ends up going for another handspring but Flair knocks her out of the air. Flair applies the Figure Four and bridges it into the Figure Eight for the win.
After the bell, Flair refuses to break the hold but Rose comes in and decks her. Rose then delivers a running kick to send Flair out of the ring. Rose checks on Brooke as Flair recovers at ringside. Sonya Deville is introduced next. She makes her way out into the ring as Flair, Brooke and Rose look on. Back to commercial.
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2021/04/27 Published by:
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Back from the break and we see recent happenings with Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke with WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler, and how a distraction allowed Lana and Naomi to pin the champs last year in a non-title match. We see Baszler, Jax and Reginald talking now. Jax rants about Charlotte Flair’s return and says she’s a spoiled brat that WWE enables. Baszler interrupts and says no more distractions, no Flair, Brooke or Rose, even Reginald. Jax and Reginald scoff but Baszler points out how Reginald’s distraction led to Jax losing. Jax says it was Baszler’s fault. Baszler storms off by herself after telling them again – no more distractions! A crew members delivers flowers to Jax. She thinks they’re from Reginald but Angel Garza walks up and they’re from him. Reginald isn’t impressed. Garza sent them to Jax because she is beautiful. He kisses her hand and wishes her good luck, then walks off. Jax and Reginald keep walking. Jax is walking by Rose and Brooke when she nails Rose with the flowers, telling her to put these in water, bitch! They keep walking as Rose and Brooke seethe.
Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose come walking down the ramp now. Baszler meets them at the bottom of the ramp and they throw a bucket of water at her. Jax comes walking over but she slips on the water and falls. Brooke and Rose laugh at her from the stage as fans do the same. Reginald tries to help Jax up as she throws a fit on the ground.
Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose are backstage laughing at what happened to Nia Jax. Sonya Deville walks up and says they should be ashamed – one for getting involved in a match they weren’t in, and for how they treated the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion. Deville and Rose have some words over their history, and Deville threatens to get physical. Deville picks Rose to be Charlotte Flair’s opponent tonight, and that is next she says. Deville walks off.
Back from the break and out next comes Mandy Rose with Dana Brooke. They hit the ring together and pose as Flair looks on. They lock up and Flair takes control, working on the arm. Rose turns it around and works on Flair’s arm now. Flair gets free and slams Rose to the mat by her hair. Rose kips up for a pop. More back and forth now. Flair levels Rose after ducking a clothesline. Flair uses the bottom rope for a 2 count as Dana runs over and points it out to the referee.
Flair taunts Brooke from the ring now. Rose attacks Flair and dropkicks her. Rose unloads in the corner now, delivering more offense. They end up in the corner. More back and forth for a few minutes. Rose with a missile dropkick from the top but Flair kicks out just in time. Flair ends up mounting offense and almost colliding with Eddie Orengo in the corner but she puts the brakes on. This leads to another close call for Rose. Flair yells at Orengo, apparently accusing him of a slow count.
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2021/04/20 Published by:
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They went for a suplex and Jax ended up suplexing both of them instead. Baszler tagged in and leveled Lana for a two-count. Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke came out and played a few embarrassing clips of Jax as a distraction.
Jax angrily ignored a tag from Baszler and went after Rose and Brooke, leaving her partner high and dry. Naomi got the tag and hit a double facebuster with Lana for the win.
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2021/04/13 Published by:
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A backstage altercation with Jax led to this tag team bout with the champions taking on Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke in a non-title contest.
Shayna Baszler and Jax easily took control of Brooke and kept her isolated to prevent a tag. Rose made a blind tag and hit a missile dropkick to take The Queen of Spades off her feet.
Jax slipped on the apron while getting back into the ring and Rose started laughing. She chased Rose and Brooke away and they ended up being counted out.
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