Flair and Deville to start, circling, Sonya shoots in but Flair fights her off, snapmare, leg pick into a side headlock, Charlotte reverses to a headscissors. To their feet, standing switch, leg pick, spinning toehold, kicked away, the Queen ducks a kick combo and they stalemate! She struts, ducks a forearm, big chops and she gets Deville into the corner for a tag.
Double monkey flip, off the ropes for a leg drop, elbow drop, turning leg drop, all good for one. Into their corner, tag to Rose, whip, up and over, waistlock, Mandy blocks, leg pick, shot off, cartwheel and a dropkick to follow it! Matrix evasion on a cover,Becky with a dropkick of her own, tag to Flair and she grabs a side headlock. Shot off, roll over, slam denied and Rose lands a mat slam with a handful of hair and tags Sonya in.
Snapmare, off the ropes, Charlotte ducks the Penalty Kick and hits an exploder suplex that sends Deville to the floor! Tag to Lynch, lariat off the apron, back inside for the cover, only two! Tag back to Flair, whip reversed, Flair Flip shoulder block, slingshot schoolboy gets a nearfall and Sonya’s able to land a kick and tag Rose in to send us to break.
Back from commercial, Deville’s in control and rams Becky into the corner with shoulder thrusts. Tossing her aside, tag to Rose, she chokes her over the middle rope, hard whip but Lynch sidesteps and gets a kick off! Exploder reversed into a slam, tag to Sonya and she grabs a bodyscissors chinlock that Becky quickly fights out of. Blocking the tag at first, enzuigiri connects, Mandy tags in but Lynch gets fired up, strike rush, exploder suplex, big forearm connects!
Fending Deville off, baseball slide, small package, shift through…
Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair win by submission with Dis-Arm-Her from Lynch on Mandy Rose.
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