Elimination Chamber Results:February 25th,2018*

Bayley and Deville clashed first as the rest of the field began things in their respective pods.

The Huggable One fought off Deville’s MMA-style offense. And even Mandy Rose entered, Bayley held her own against Absolution. The heels worked together to punish Bayley until Banks entered.

The Boss and Bayley worked together to fight back against Absolution.

Bank Statement ousted Rose. James beat up on weakened competition including Deville who she eliminated. Bayley, though, quickly pounced on the former champ to shrink the field to three.

Bliss tried to escape Bayley and Banks when it was her turn to enter.

The champ watched on as Bayley and Banks tore into each other. Bliss sneaked up on Bayley to pin her. She then used her environment to take out Banks and claim victory.

After the bell, Bliss bragged about her win as she insulted the fans.
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