RAW Results:April 9th,2018*

Before the bell rings, Bayley’s music hits and she comes out to watch from ringside. Banks tosses Rose out of the ring and hits her with a baseball slide dropkick. The crowd chants for Bayley as Sasha takes Mandy down with a suplex for a two count. Rose gets in some offense before Banks slams her head into the turnbuckle several times. The Boss gets dropped hard on the top rope to turn the tables in Rose’s favor.
We return to see Rose using an abdominal stretch. Banks counters with a hip toss and starts to regain her momentum with a running crossbody. She hits a flying double knee for a near fall and Rose rolls to the outside. She nails Banks with a right hand and then shoves Bayley. The Hugger goes to hit her back and accidentally hits Banks. She swears it was an accident and apologizes. Rose hits her with a running knee for the pin and the win.
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