Circling, collar and elbow, Lynch with a waistlock, reversed to a wristlock, reversed again but Rose clocks her with a forearm. Off the ropes, sidestep the knee and Becky nails her with a knee of her own! To the corner, springboard kick to the midsection, run Sonya Deville off but a second kick gets caught and into a cover for two. Drawing Lynch up, Mandy smashes her face into the mat and puts boots to her in the corner.
Right hands, the Lasskicker fighting back but getting clubbed down, straight suplex into a cover but Rose can鈥檛 put her away. Wristlock, arm wringer, into an arm-trap standing Bromission and Lynch clubs her way out of it. Whip to the corner, dropkick connects, running knee… only a nearfall! Mounted punches follow, another cover comes up empty, arm wringer and back into the arm-trap standing Bromission.
Becky slips out, schoolboy for two, off the ropes with a flying forearm, fired up, exploder suplex, pick the arm, take her down
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